Review of 70% dark chocolate, goji and orange - Doisy & Dam by ameriamber

photo of Doisy & Dam 70% dark chocolate, goji and orange shared by @ameriamber on  06 Sep 2023 - reviewphoto of Doisy & Dam 70% dark chocolate, goji and orange shared by @ameriamber on  06 Sep 2023 - review

Doisy & Dam

This came in a gift box my husband was given by cast and crew on a terrible project they all worked on. So thoughtful of them!
The quality of this chocolate was good. It’s a solid, strong flavor. The goji and orange was not to either of our liking. We’re not typically fans of fruit and chocolate, so it was unlikely to be something we loved. For people who DO enjoy fruity chocolate, I’d guess this would be pretty enjoyable as the quality is pretty good.
#doisyanddam #chocolate #fruitchocolate #snack #candy


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