Post by santuariovegan


Yesterday you saw Eneko when he arrived and today you see him eating ice cream 🥰
In a heat wave, nothing like fruit ice cream for pigs 🥰🐷

Eneko is the oldest pig in his area, and he has been a sweetheart since we rescued him as a baby that we could hug with both hands. It was at the beginning of 2012 and since then he has lived safe and happy.

He loves to greet us and that we say nice things to him, and he loves that we give him ice cream in summer. He is super careful despite his huge mouth, and he is always gentle and loving.
His face and his smile say it all 😍😍😍

Help us so that they can enjoy this stage of their lives in the new sanctuary, in their home, from which no one can ever throw them out 🙏💚👉

Ayer veíais a Eneko cuando llegó y hoy le veis comiendo heladito 🥰
En ola de calor, nada como los helados de frutas para los cerdos 🥰🐷

Eneko es el cerdo más veterano de su zona, y ha sido un amor desde que le rescatamos siendo un bebé al que podíamos abrazar con las dos manos. Fue a comienzos de 2012 y desde entonces ha vivido a salvo y feliz.

Le encanta saludarnos y que le digamos cosas bonitas, y le chifla que le demos heladito en verano. Es súper cuidadoso a pesar de la boca enorme que tiene, y siempre es gentil y cariñoso.
Su cara y su sonrisa lo dicen todo 😍😍😍

Ayúdanos a que puedan disfrutar de esta etapa de sus vidas en el nuevo santuario, en su hogar, del que nadie, nunca, les pueda echar 🙏💚👉

#fundacionsantuariovegan #santuariovegan #abillion #abillionlove #vegan #goveganfortheanimals #veganfortheanimals #govegan #veganlove #loveanimals #animalrights #animalrescue #madridvegano #madrid #santuariodeanimales #sanctuarylife #animalsanctuary

berengueremy 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰4 likesReply
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