Vegan Protein: How to Get Enough Protein on a Vegan Diet?

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If you’re a vegan, you’ve probably heard this:

where do you get your protein gif

Getting your daily dose of protein from a vegan diet is easier than you think. With a few mindful inclusions, you can ensure that your diet is as healthy as it should be.

So, why do we need protein?

Protein is the quintessential nutrient that each cell of our body needs to repair and grow. In addition to this, the antibodies that our body needs to protect itself from diseases, the enzymes needed for digestion and metabolism, and some hormones like insulin are all forms of proteins.

All foods, except oils and pure sugar, contain some amount of protein. But the quality of that protein depends on the amino acids the food provides. There are nine essential amino acids in total. Animal proteins contain all nine amino acids. Plant proteins (except Soy which contains all nine) lack one or more of these amino acids. So, when planning your meals, add variety to your diet to make up for the amino acids that may be missing. For example, grains have high methionine (a type of amino acid) but lack lysine, and dried beans and legumes are high in lysine but lack methionine. So, when your diet contains both grains and legumes, you get all the essential amino acids.

For a properly balanced meal, 10-12% of our calories should come from proteins.

lentil meal

How much protein do you need?

Healthy adults require 0.36 g per pound (or 0.8 g per kg) of their body weight per day.

So, if you weigh 154 lbs (70 kgs), you would require 154 x 0.36 (or 70 x 0.8)= 56 g of protein per day.

With this easy formula, you can plan your meals to ensure you are getting the amount of protein your body needs.

Fun fact: If you’re feeling lethargic or just can’t seem to make your brain work, eat something that's high in protein. It’ll stimulate your mind, help you focus and be at the top of your game!

top 9 high protein food

Sources of plant-based protein

Beans and legumes

Beans and legumes are excellent sources of protein. Hummus, chili, and Indian dal are some of the ways you can include them in your diet. To add variety to your meals, look out for different varieties of both beans and legumes and experiment with recipes. Try making your next batch of hummus with black chickpeas or red lentils (masoor dal).

If you haven’t already, you can swap your flours for lentil or chickpea alternatives. Start off with these 45 recipes you can make using chickpea flour!

chickpea pitas Click here for the recipe to make these colorful chickpea pitas at home.


High-protein grains include cornmeal, Kamut (wheat berries), teff, quinoa, whole-wheat pasta, wild rice, millet, couscous, oatmeal, and buckwheat. One cup of cooked whole grains provides between 6-20% of your daily value of protein. You can add more grains to your meals by making delicious grain bowls. Top your bowl of grains with lentils, veggies, tofu, seeds - the possibilities are endless! Try these healthy grain bowl recipes by the Simple Veganista for inspiration.

buckwheat banana pancakes Click here for the recipe to make delicious buckwheat pancakes at home.


Most nuts contain a high amount of protein. However, with the exception of peanuts, most lack lysine. To counter this it’s best to combine them with legumes. Look for recipes like walnut and kidney bean spread or bean cassoulet with nut crumbs.

An excellent way to include nuts in your diet is by keeping a nut butter handy in your pantry. You can either make your own or buy some. So, when you're feeling a bit peckish, just top up your toast or bowl of granola with nut butter and instantly up your protein. According to research conducted by Purdue University, when people ate peanuts or any peanut butter snack, their hunger was satiated for up to two and a half hours! (For other snacks, it’s usually half an hour.) So, along with other health benefits, it could also help stop those unhealthy snacking habits!

granolla Click here to view this Christmas granola recipe and add more nuts and seeds in your diet.

Edamame and soy

Soy is the most complete source of protein as it contains all amino acids. You can consume this fresh in the form of edamame or opt for tofu, soy chunks, soy milk, or tempeh.

You can start your day with a protein-packed breakfast of scrambled tofu, spice up your meals with this soya chunks kurma, consider making sides like this edameme dip, or indulge in this chocolate mousse using silken tofu.

Since this is such a versatile ingredient, the internet abounds with recipes!

tofu chickpea scramble Click to view and try our chickpea tofu scramble recipe.


Seitan is an excellent source of protein; it also closely resembles the texture of meat when cooked. So, for those of you who miss meat, or feel like recreating your favorite meat dishes, you can use seitan instead. You can buy seitan from stores or try making it at home. Experiment by making smoky seitan kebabs, gyros, or the classic Philly "cheese" sandwich.

seitan @beatrizmap's review of Seitan a la Plancha

Get Your Protein!

protein snack swap

The next time someone asks you where do vegans get their protein, share this article!

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@shyam1682 profile image
Loved this.
@pmswadia profile image
Loved this
@vikas profile image
🐘 🦍 🐼 🦒 all get their protein the same way I do!
@worldanimalrights profile image
thank you for this, i'm a vegetarian trying to eat plant based 🌱
@amazinganne profile image
Thanks for the article. Nutrition is so essential for vegans. 🌸
@mirta profile image
Awsome!! Thank you so much for this article, is great helps a lot ☀️☀️🙏
@thecoolguy profile image
Found this to be every helpful and informing. THANKS
@curiosidadvegana profile image
Thanks for the tips!
@cfor25atrand4104list profile image
I really love this and appreciate it.
@jkamdar44 profile image
Very helpful indeed ! Thank you 👍
@veganlil profile image
amazing, thanks!
@thehussaini profile image
It's good read, Gr8 work!
@pmr profile image
Very helpful. I’ve been a vegetarian for 17 years and I’m gradually eliminating the rest of the animal products from my diet. I also work out, and protein is quite important. My tip is to add hemp seeds and hemp proteins. I like hemp proteins as it’s not the usual kind of highly processed protein powder, but simply pressed seeds that lost some of the oils/fats in the process. Yes, you can get all you need from whole foods, but sometimes, if you just can’t find the time to properly plan your meals or no mood for cooking etc, hemp proteins help you meet your protein goal easily. So: are you worried about your protein intake and didn’t soak your beans yesterday? Oat milkshake with hemp proteins and berries. Done.
@lynnyap8888 profile image
Wow! Great stuff !! 👍🏻
@qiiaannn profile image
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